Connection Fundraising is a premier Tampa Bay fundraising company that helps schools, youth groups, sports leagues, religious groups and civic organizations raise funds

Copyright © 2012 Connection Fundraising Corporation

Contact us at (813) 601-7715

To have a truly successful fundraiser there are several important steps:
1) Set Goals – for your school or group and for individuals
2) Purpose of the fundraiser
3) Have volunteers in place to help deliver packets and also later for Due Date orders
4) Two Weeks BEFORE fundraiser starts, announce "Fundraiser is coming!" on your school website or group website and on the morning show. Start building the excitement!
5) One Week before the fundraiser begins have fundraiser packets sorted and ready for hand out
6) Meet with your faculty and staff to make sure they understand the fundraiser and your goals
7) KICK OFF Day– Make it a BIG deal on your website and morning announcements! And
Hand out Fundraiser Packets to all participants. Make it exciting!
8) Remember to post signs around the school or business and advertise it on the sign marquis
9) Do daily reminders on your morning show
10) Email Blast parents and or sellers/participants reminding them of the fundraiser and that your fundraiser’s success depends on their 100% support and involvement!
11) Three Days before Fundraiser ends: start reminding everyone of the Due Date when orders and monies are due and announce it every day until the Due Date.
12) One Day before Fundraiser ends: Email all parents and sellers that Due Date is tomorrow. Please be sure to turn in all orders and monies tomorrow.
13) DUE DATE is here. Orders and Monies are due today.
14) Thank everyone for their support!
15) After all is tallied, announce that your group reached your goal; announce top sellers names;
16) And thank everyone for helping make your group’s fundraiser a HUGE Success!!!
Following these Helpful Hints will help your school or group to have a super successful fundraiser!!
